The Ugly Fight
Have you ever thought “I have been fighting all the time and continue to feel defeated?” Or is it because you are not fighting the right war?
You cannot use a weapon or much less be a weapon if you doubt your ability to do what seems impossible. Sometime when you find yourselves in an ugly fight- doubt will overcome you and suppress your power. And in the process, you lose yourself. Don’t give up. Don’t lay down and die. There is strength in you, there is purpose in you. The word is in you. So don’t give up.
Take responsibility. Perhaps you need to admit you have stopped believing in God. No longer believing what He can do through you. It’s time to a take your power back. Begin to affirm yourself so you can step into new possibilities. For at the proper time, we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.
Religion is worthless if it is focused more on how things look than about who God is. Reach for Him and choose not to lose yourself in anything but Him.
Know who is in you, not just who you are. It’s time to start unlocking that power within!
Read the strategies men and women in the Bible used to remain strong in faith as they endured the worst circumstances of their lives. Pray for faith like Daniel, David, Deborah, Naomi and Esther
Your faith will began to frighten the enemy
James 6:8 says, “Stand against the devil, and the devil will run from you. Come near to God, and God will come near to you.”
Love and prayers,