Gritty Girls

Our Next Generation Ministry

We have a strong desire to not only see youth and young women set free in a moment with God, but we desire to walk with them through life’s ups and downs. Our desire is to see Christ formed in them so they know who they are in Him. It is our mission that they know how to stand and how to fight in the spirit; empowering them for their purpose in Christ, ultimately impacting their generation for the Kingdom.

What To Expect

Christ-Centered Teaching

Christ-Centered Identity

During our events, gatherings, and online sessions, we do not teach based on our opinions. Our topics of discussion are relevant to where teens and young adults are at in life. We use the word of God to admonish, encourage, exhort, teach, and preach in a way that young women can understand and receive. We teach and practice prayer, daily bible reading, and godly fellowship.

We encourage the girls to be active in their local youth groups. We are not intending to take the place of local church’s youth pastors. We are simply an additional resource, coming alongside to help these young women on a daily basis. We have a strong desire to not only see youth and young women set free in a moment with God, but we desire to walk with them through life’s ups and downs.

Our desire is to see Christ formed in them so that they know who they are in Christ. It is our mission that they know how to stand and how to fight in the spirit; empowering them for their purpose in Christ, ultimately impacting their generation for the Kingdom.

Christ-Centered Community

Meet the team

Morgan Hoffman

Amanda O’Neil

Gritty Girls was birthed in 2008. It is an extension of Gritty Women of God (GWOG) created for girls and young adult women. Our desire with “Gritty” is to minister to and train up young women in lifestyle, impartation, prayer and evangelism. Gritty Girls encourages and helps vibrant, young women to realize God’s vision and plan for their lives.