Legacy Weekend

We are excited to announce that our Gritty Women of God Ministry Team will be hosting Legacy Weekends once a year.  This will be a two day event and held in various locations.  .

Women have been accepted in ministry more than in the past, but we still feel the pressure at times in our positions and assignments so we felt the need to have a time together to encourage one another and walk together through the good times and pressured times. Our time together will be meals, fellowship, and prayer, with discussions specifically for women either in active ministry or supporting their spouse in full time ministry.  This is not a conference, but a time to connect with other women in ministry to discuss our unique roles and walk with one another through good times and difficult times. 

Our Legacy Weekend in  2024 will be held at the Delta Hotels Ashland Downtown, 1441 Winchester Avenue Ashland, Kentucky 4110, for reservations call 606-327-1100. 

The dates are: Nov. 7th – 9th.  Register at https://legacyweekend2024.paperform.com

Our deadline for registration will be October 15th, 2024 

Our ministry team at 2024 event is:  

Pastor Sheila Bowling; Founder  

Pastor Libby Fannin  

Pastor Kim Collins